Crown Valley Quarterly

…when you click on the cloud, things change…

Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice

By Margaret Anna Alice

Jan 1, 2023

Margaret’s original Substack post for “Mistakes Were Not Made,” which includes links to many enlightening references in the text of the poem:

Read by Dr. Tess Lawrie:

Read by Dr. Mike Yeadon:


(DP: I sent a Substack message to Margaret Anna Alice who I discovered about a year ago when I immediately admired her famous poem, along with millions around the world, “Mistakes Were Not Made.” I said, “Good morning, Ms. Alice, (Can I please call you ‘Margaret?’ It sounds like I’m your limousine driver…Not that there’s anything wrong with being your limousine driver….Oh, never mind.) I would like to share ‘Mistakes Were Not Made’ in the Crown Valley Quarterly. It’s my new online showcase for writers, storytellers, photographers and other artists, especially new ones. It will be a thrill for us to share the stage with a luminary.” She immediately replied,“Yes, of course.” She was very gracious.)

One response to “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice”

  1. […] “Through the Looking Glass” Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice […]


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